
★ 教育经历:
学历 |
本科 |
硕士 |
博士 |
学校 |
青岛大学 (2012-2016) |
青岛大学 (2016-2019) |
上海财经大学 (2019-2023) |
专业 |
物流管理 (管理科学与工程系) |
管理科学与工程 |
管理科学与工程 |
★ 目前主要研究方向:
(1)在线内容平台相关研究:用户在线行为、平台商业化的设计与影响, 生成式AI对平台的影响等;
★ 科研成果
Ning Zhang, Xing Fan, Lifeng He* Xin Cheng, Liang Zhang, Rong Liu, Research on the Impact of Seller's Facial Image on Consumer Purchase Behavior[J], 2024, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (通作作者 SSCI Q1 IF=11)
Dongmei Han, Lifeng He*, Wenfei Zhao, Xiaohang Zhou, What Constitutes a Helpful Health-Related Answer? The Impacts of Emotional Content and Question-Answer Congruence[J], 2024, Journal of Global Information Management (贡献均等(姓名首字母排序)SSCI Q1)
亓号,周月书,何立峰,农村金融机构数字化转型与金融服务质效[J], 2024,财经研究, (CSSCI)
亓号,周月书,何立峰, 数字化转型与农村金融机构双重绩效提升[J], 2024, 中国农村观察, (CSSCI)
Liang Zhang, Wenjing Bi, Ning Zhang & Lifeng He. Coping with Homogeneous Information Flow in Recommender Systems: Algorithmic Resistance and Avoidance, 2023, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (SSCI Q2)
Ning Zhang, Wenfei Zhao, Zhiliang Pang, Lifeng He, Xin Cheng, Weiguo Fan. Leveraging User Ideas for Product Innovation in Open Innovation Communities: A Study of Two Stages of the Idea Adoption,2023, Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI Q1)
Dongmei Han, Zhiliang Pang, Lifeng He*, Xiaohang Zhou & Shaohuan Zhang, Management response and user idea generation: evidence from an online open innovation community [J], 2022,Information Technology & Management(通讯作者,SSCI Q2)
Lifeng He, Dongmei Han*, Xiaohang Zhou & Zheng Qu, The Voice of drug consumers: online textual review analysis using structural topic model [J], 2020, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(一作,SSCI, Q1)
Ning Zhang, Xianzhen Guo, Li Zhang & Lifeng He, How to repair public trust effectively: Research on enterprise online public opinion crisis response [J], 2021, Electronic Commerce Research and Application,49,101077.(SSCI, Q1)
Lifeng He, Ning Zhang* & Lemin Yin, The evaluation for perceived quality of products based on text mining and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation [J], Electronic Commerce Research, 18, 277-289. (一作,SSCI, JCR Q2)
(1)上海财经大学研究生创新基金项目:Financial Incentives and User Engagement(2020-2022)
(2) 青岛市博后基金项目:人工智能驱动的直播电商营销模式研究(2024-2026)
担任 Information Processing & Management, Electronic Commerce Research, Humanities & Social Sciences Communication,Information Technology & Management s等SSCI期刊的匿名审稿人。