
青岛大学商学院教授,博士生导师,英国皇家艺术学会会士(FRSA),山东省泰山学者青年专家,山东省优秀青年基金获得者,山东省高等学校青年创新团队带头人。本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,博士(直博)毕业于悉尼大学。目前已录用和发表SSCI/SCI检索论文70余篇,其中包含Cell子刊《One Earth》,ABS-4/ABDC-A*权威期刊《Regional Studies》、《Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology》,ABS-3/ABDC-A高水平期刊《International Business Review》、《Journal of Business Research》、《Technological Forecasting & Social Change》、《International Small Business Journal》等,总他引次数超3000次,H指数30(Google Scholar统计),入选2023年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。常年在美国管理学会(AOM)年会、国际商务学会(AIB)年会等国际权威学术会议宣读论文并多次获得最佳论文及提名。目前担任SSCI-Q1期刊《Journal of Organizational and End User Computing》总主编、SSCI-Q3期刊《Chinese Management Studies》副主编,SSCI期刊《International Journal of Technology Management》、《European Journal of International Management》等客座主编。
2011.9-2015.7 经济学学士学位,哈尔滨工业大学
2017.2-2021.8 国际商务方向哲学博士学位,悉尼大学
[1] W. Liu, W.H. Li, J.Y. Yang, L.J. Zheng, 2024. ‘Geographic Proximity, Foreign Presence, and Domestic Firm Innovation: The Micro-Level Evidence’, Regional Studies, vol. 58:4, 787-804. (ABS-4/ABDC-A*, SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.6)
[2] W. Liu, M. De Sisto, W. Li, 2021. ‘How does the turnover of local officials make firms more charitable? A comprehensive analysis of corporate philanthropy in China’, Emerging Markets Review, vol. 46, 100718. (ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.8)
[3] W. Liu, X.F. Shao, M. De Sisto, W. Li, 2021. ‘A New Approach for Addressing Endogeneity Issues in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance’, Finance Research Letters, vol. 39, 101623. (ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 10.4)
[4] W. Liu, et al., 2020. ‘The Belt and Road Initiative and the Sustainable Development Goals: Institutional Distance Matters’, One Earth, vol. 3: 3, pp. 263-267. (Cell子刊, SSCI-Q1, IF: 16.2)
[5] W. Liu, Y.B. Xu (Student), Y.M. Luo, 2023. ‘Fortune favors the experienced: entrepreneurs’ Internet-Era Imprint, digital entrepreneurship and venture capital’, Information Processing & Management, vol. 60: 4, 103406. (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.6)
[6] E.S. Lee, W. Liu*, J.Y. Yang, 2023. ‘Neither developed nor emerging: Dual paths for outward FDI and home country innovation in emerged market MNCs’, International Business Review, vol. 32, 101925. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.7)
[7] X.F. Shao, W. Liu*, Y. Li, H.R. Chaudhry, X.G. Yue, 2021. ‘Multistage Implementation Framework for Smart Supply Chain Management Under Industry 4.0’, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 162, 120354. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 12)
[8] Y.B. Xu (Student), W. Liu*, T. He, S.B. Tsai, 2024. ‘Buzzword or fuzzword: an event study of the metaverse in the Chinese stock market’, Internet Research, vol. 34: 1, 174-194. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SCI-Q1, IF: 5.9)
[9] K. Shahzad, M. De Sisto, S. Ul-Durar, W. Liu*, 2023. ‘How technological knowledge management capability compliments knowledge-intensive human resource management practices to enhance team outcomes: A moderated mediation analysis’, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 75: 4, 377-394. (ABS-3/ABDC-A*, SSCI-Q2, IF: 3.5)
[10] L.J. Zheng, Y.Q. Fan, H. Wang, W. Liu*, 2021. ‘Born innovator? How founder birth order influences innovation generation and adoption in entrepreneurial firms’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 136, 414-430. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 11.3)
[1] 英国皇家艺术学会会士(FRSA);
[2] 美国科学荣誉学会正式会员(Full Member of the Sigma Xi);
[3] 美国管理学会(AOM)、国际商务学会(AIB)等会员;
[4] 《Journal of Organizational and End User Computing》(SSCI-Q1)总主编、《International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach》(ESCI)总主编、《Chinese Management Studies》(SSCI-Q3)副主编;
[5] 《International Journal of Technology Management》、《European Journal of International Management》等客座主编。
[1] 入选2023年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2023年度中国大陆工商管理领域共60人入选);
[2] 美国管理学会(AOM)年会最佳论文奖暨GWU-CIBER最佳论文提名奖;
[3] 国际商务学会(AIB)年会大会最佳论文提名奖;
[4] ESI热点论文4篇,ESI高被引论文9篇;
[5] 中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(悉尼馆区排位第一);
[6] 悉尼大学博士生全额学术奖学金。
指导研究生、本科生多次获得国家奖学金及青岛大学“学术之星”称号,学生发表ABS-3、ABDC-A、SCI/SSCI-Q1期刊论文十余篇,研究生毕业后攻读海外Top 200高校(国家CSC资助)、中山大学、华南理工大学等博士学位,本科生免试攻读中央财经大学、中国海洋大学、东北大学等硕士学位。本人以国际化培养模式与轻松惬意的学术氛围用心栽培每一位学生,欢迎心怀梦想、勤奋好学、脚踏实地、热爱科研的学生加入研究团队。
Wei Liu is currently the Full Professor at the Business School, Qingdao University, Ph.D. Supervisor in International Business, He is duly elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the recipient of the Taishan Scholars Project of Shandong Province, the Outstanding Youth Foundation of Shandong Province, and the principal investigator of the Science and Technology Support Plan for Youth Innovation of Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province. He received the bachelor degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology and the doctoral degree from the University of Sydney. He has published numerous articles that appeared in refereed journals, including One Earth (Cell Press), Regional Studies, Journal of The Association for Information Science and Technology, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, International Small Business Journal, and others, with a total citations of over 3,000, an H-index of 30 (Google scholar). He is named as World’s Top 2% of Scientists List 2023. In addition, he often presented his papers in conferences such as AOM annual meetings, AIB annual meetings and has been nominated for the best papers for several times. He served as the Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, the Associate Editor for Chinese Management Studies, the Guest Editor for International Journal of Technology Management, European Journal of International Management, and others.
Research Interests:
Geo-business strategy, corporate nonmarket strategy
Recent Publications:
[1] W. Liu, W.H. Li, J.Y. Yang, L.J. Zheng, 2024. ‘Geographic Proximity, Foreign Presence, and Domestic Firm Innovation: The Micro-Level Evidence’, Regional Studies, vol. 58:4, 787-804. (ABS-4/ABDC-A*, SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.6)
[2] W. Liu, M. De Sisto, W. Li, 2021. ‘How does the turnover of local officials make firms more charitable? A comprehensive analysis of corporate philanthropy in China’, Emerging Markets Review, vol. 46, 100718. (ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.8)
[3] W. Liu, X.F. Shao, M. De Sisto, W. Li, 2021. ‘A New Approach for Addressing Endogeneity Issues in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance’, Finance Research Letters, vol. 39, 101623. (ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 10.4)
[4] W. Liu, et al., 2020. ‘The Belt and Road Initiative and the Sustainable Development Goals: Institutional Distance Matters’, One Earth, vol. 3: 3, pp. 263-267. (Cell Press, SSCI-Q1, IF: 16.2)
[5] W. Liu, Y.B. Xu (Student), Y.M. Luo, 2023. ‘Fortune favors the experienced: entrepreneurs’ Internet-Era Imprint, digital entrepreneurship and venture capital’, Information Processing & Management, vol. 60: 4, 103406. (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.6)
[6] E.S. Lee, W. Liu*, J.Y. Yang, 2023. ‘Neither developed nor emerging: Dual paths for outward FDI and home country innovation in emerged market MNCs’, International Business Review, vol. 32, 101925. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.7)
[7] X.F. Shao, W. Liu*, Y. Li, H.R. Chaudhry, X.G. Yue, 2021. ‘Multistage Implementation Framework for Smart Supply Chain Management Under Industry 4.0’, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 162, 120354. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 12)
[8] Y.B. Xu (Student), W. Liu*, T. He, S.B. Tsai, 2024. ‘Buzzword or fuzzword: an event study of the metaverse in the Chinese stock market’, Internet Research, vol. 34: 1, 174-194. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SCI-Q1, IF: 5.9)
[9] K. Shahzad, M. De Sisto, S. Ul-Durar, W. Liu*, 2024. ‘How technological knowledge management capability compliments knowledge-intensive human resource management practices to enhance team outcomes: A moderated mediation analysis’, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 75: 4, 377-394. (ABS-3/ABDC-A*, SSCI-Q2, IF: 3.5)
[10] L.J. Zheng, Y.Q. Fan, H. Wang, W. Liu*, 2021. ‘Born innovator? How founder birth order influences innovation generation and adoption in entrepreneurial firms’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 136, 414-430. (ABS-3/ABDC-A, SSCI-Q1, IF: 11.3)
Academic Services:
[1] Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).
[2] Full Member of the Sigma Xi.
[3] Member of AOM, AIB, etc.
[4] Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, Associate Editor for Chinese Management Studies.
[5] Guest Editor for International Journal of Technology Management, European Journal of International Management, etc.
Honors & Awards:
[1] Recipient of the World’s Top 2% of Scientists List 2023 (one of the sixty Chinese mainland scientists in Business & Management field).
[2] Finalist of the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting GWU-CIBER Best Paper.
[3] Finalist of the 2019 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting Best Paper.
[4] “Hot Paper” (4 articles) & “Highly Cited Paper” (9 articles) in Essential Science Indicators (ESI).
[5] 2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (Rank 1st in Sydney).
[6] The University of Sydney Business School Research Scholarship (AU$32,000 P.A. & tuition fees).