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Winter break reminding and INFORMATION

  January 8, 2015

Dear International Students:

First, congratulations on passing your courses and successfully completing your fall semester at our university.

Also, thank you so much for your cooperation with us throughout the semester. We are pleased to have such good cooperation all the time from our students.

The winter vacation is coming. In order to make it a safe and happy vacation for all, we wish to inform you of the following so that you will have not only a good time but a safe time:  

1. Winter vacation is from Jan 242015 to Mar 62015  Classes will resume for degree seeking students in Medicine, English and Finance, etc on Mar 9, 2015.  Language training students and degree students of Chinese  Language College will resume classes on March 12, 2015.

2. Undergraduate students and Language training students should come to register from Mar 9 to Mar 11.  Be sure to bring your student cards in order to register. 

Students who know they will be late for registration due to a special reason should let us know in advance.  Otherwise, we will treat it as an absence from class on purposePunishment such as canceling qualification to study here will be given to these students.  

3. During the winter vacation, please take care of your personal property and security. Be careful in traffic and avoid fire hazards and theft.

4. Please use electronic equipment safely.  Cooking in rooms, using extension cords or other electric wires in rooms or buildings, or using electronic equipment more than we have provided (such as electric heaters, electric stoves and electric blankets) are all not allowed. Students who will be traveling or are returning to their homes please shut off the electric power or notify the service lady before leaving.

5.  Please keep all your personal property secured. Close and lock doors and windows before leaving your room. Take care of your money during traveling.

6. Please follow all the traffic regulations and make sure you are secure while in traffic. Illegal driving, riding or buying a motorcycle is forbidden.

7. Fireworks are not available in accordance with the regulations of Qingdao City and Qingdao University.  Fireworks and firecrackers are forbidden in our dormitory buildings or on campus.

8. Students who travel should pay attention to their personal security. Be sure to take your passport with you and register in a hotel ahead of time.

Students who are traveling please notify monitors and our office of your travel destination, dates, times and leave a telephone number with our office before Jan 17 so that our university can contact you in case of an emergency.

9. Students who stay in our dormitory building during the winter vacation should continue to follow our regulations as always.  Making loud noise, drinking beer or wine to excess, returning after curfew and disturbing others are forbidden in dormitory buildings.

 Please follow the rules for curfew. Students are not allowed to enter or leave the Dormitory without permission after the door is closed.

Curfew: Sunday to Thursday:  23:00 pm - 5:30 a.m., Friday to Saturday:  23:30 pm to 5:30 a.m.

Damages to windows or doors of rooms please inform our office and ask for repair before the beginning of the winter vacation.

10. Students who will continue to study in our university and stay in our dormitory building during the winter vacation should please submit room fee before Jan 20.

      Students who will go back home during the winter vacation or will not continue to study in our university should please check out before Jan 20.

Checking in date for the coming new semester is March 9, 2015.

Students who will go back home but keep paying for the room during the winter vacation are not allowed to give the room key to others and let others use the room.

11. Other dates and procedures to be aware of: 

Visa making, and study certificate time: Before Jan 20

    Some teachers will be on duty during the winter vacation, but they are expected to only deal with emergencies.  Details of duty time and place can be known from the doorman in the Minxing building.

For emergency contact: 83780565 85953863

Spring festival is the most important traditional Chinese festival.  We hope everyone will enjoy themselves and we wish you a Happy New Year!

International Programs  Qingdao Unierisity


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