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郑玉新 教授

来源: 发布时间:2018-03-23 11:17:14








1. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目“大气细颗粒物健康危害的系统毒理学与系统流行病学研究 ”(91943301) 2020.1-2022.12 主要参加者

2.国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目“交通尾气颗粒物致健康损害效应的关键组分及人群生物标志物研究 ”(91643203)2017.1-2020.12 项目负责人

3.科技部重点研发计划“基于人群队列的食品污染物生物标志物研究与应用”(2017YFC1600202) 2018.01-2021.12,项目负责人


1.Zhang, Z.;  Su, H.;  Ahmed, R. Z.;  Zheng, Y.; Jin, X., Critical biomarkers for myocardial damage by fine particulate matter: Focused on PPARα-regulated energy metabolism. Environ Pollut 2020, 264, 114659.

2.Zhang, J.;  Zhou, Q.;  Su, R.;  Sun, Z.;  Zhang, W.;  Jin, X.; Zheng, Y., Cardiac dysfunction and metabolic remodeling due to seasonally ambient fine particles exposure. The Science of the total environment 2020, 721, 137792.

3.Wang, X.;  Zhao, Y.;  Luo, J.;  Xu, L.;  Li, X.;  Jin, Y.;  Li, C.; Feng, M.;  Wang, Y.;  Chen, J.;  Hou, Y.;  Zhao, Q.;  Zhao, J.;  Ning, B.; Zheng, Y.; Yu, D., MicroRNA hsa-miR-1301-3p Regulates Human ADH6, ALDH5A1 and ALDH8A1 in the Ethanol-Acetaldehyde-Acetate Metabolic Pathway. Molecular pharmacology 2020, 98 (2), 120-129.

4.Wang, T.;  Wang, H.;  Chen, J.;  Wang, J.;  Ren, D.;  Hu, W.;  Wang, H.;  Han, W.;  Leng, S.;  Zhang, R.; Zheng, Y., Association between air pollution and lung development in schoolchildren in China. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2020.

5.Li, Y.;  Yang, M.;  Meng, T.;  Niu, Y.;  Dai, Y.;  Zhang, L.;  Zheng, X.;  Jalava, P.;  Dong, G.;  Gao, W.; Zheng, Y., Oxidative stress induced by ultrafine carbon black particles can elicit apoptosis in vivo and vitro. The Science of the total environment2020, 709, 135802.

6.Li, D.;  Chen, S.;  Li, Q.;  Chen, L.;  Zhang, H.;  Li, H.;  Yu, D.; Zhang, R.;  Niu, Y.;  Lu, S.;  Ye, L.;  Zeng, X.;  Dong, G.;  Chen, R.;  Aschner, M.;  Zheng, Y.; Chen, W., Caloric restriction attenuates C57BL/6 J mouse lung injury and extra-pulmonary toxicity induced by real ambient particulate matter exposure. Part Fibre Toxicol 2020, 17 (1), 22.

7.Jiang, Q.;  Zhang, C.;  Chen, S.;  Shi, L.;  Li, D. C.;  Lv, N.;  Cui, L.;  Chen, Y.; Zheng, Y., Particulate Matter 2.5 Induced Developmental Cardiotoxicity in Chicken Embryo and Hatchling. Frontiers in pharmacology 2020, 11, 841.

8.Jiang, Q.;  Xu, X.;  Zhang, C.;  Luo, J.;  Lv, N.;  Shi, L.;  Ji, A.;  Gao, M.;  Chen, F.;  Cui, L.; Zheng, Y., In ovo very early-in-life exposure to diesel exhaust induced cardiopulmonary toxicity in a hatchling chick model. Environ Pollut 2020, 264, 114718.

9.Jiang, M.;  Li, D.;  Piao, J.;  Li, J.;  Sun, H.;  Chen, L.;  Chen, S.;  Pi, J.;  Zhang, R.;  Chen, R.;  Leng, S.;  Chen, W.; Zheng, Y., Real-ambient exposure to air pollution exaggerates excessive growth of adipose tissue modulated by Nrf2 signal. The Science of the total environment 2020, 730, 138652.

10.Dai, Y.;  Zhou, W.;  Jia, Q.;  Dong, H.;  Niu, Y.;  He, J.;  Bin, P.;  Yi, J.;  Xiang, Y.;  Duan, H.;  Huang, H.;  Sha, Y.;  Shen, M.;  Ye, M.;  Huang, X.; Zheng, Y., Utility evaluation of HLA-B*13:01 screening in preventing trichloroethylene-induced hypersensitivity syndrome in a prospective cohort study. Occup Environ Med 2020, 77 (3), 201-206.

11.Cui, L.;  Shi, L.;  Li, D.;  Li, X.;  Su, X.;  Chen, L.;  Jiang, Q.;  Jiang, M.;  Luo, J.;  Ji, A.;  Chen, C.;  Wang, J.;  Tang, J.;  Pi, J.; Chen, R.;  Chen, W.;  Zhang, R.; Zheng, Y., Real-Ambient Particulate Matter Exposure-Induced Cardiotoxicity in C57/B6 Mice. Frontiers in pharmacology 2020, 11, 199.

12.Cheng, W.;  Liu, Y.;  Tang, J.;  Duan, H.;  Wei, X.;  Zhang, X.;  Yu, S.;  Campen, M. J.;  Han, W.;  Rothman, N.;  Belinsky, S. A.;  Lan, Q.; Zheng, Y.; Leng, S., Carbon content in airway macrophages and genomic instability in Chinese carbon black packers. Arch Toxicol 2020, 94 (3), 761-771.

13.Chen, S.;  Li, D.;  Wu, X.;  Chen, L.;  Zhang, B.;  Tan, Y.;  Yu, D.;  Niu, Y.;  Duan, H.;  Li, Q.;  Chen, R.;  Aschner, M.;  Zheng, Y.; Chen, W., Application of cell-based biological bioassays for health risk assessment of PM2.5 exposure in three megacities, China. Environ Int 2020, 139, 105703.

14.Zheng, X.;  Wang, G.;  Bin, P.;  Meng, T.;  Niu, Y.;  Yang, M.;  Zhang, L.;  Duan, H.;  Yu, T.;  Dai, Y.; Zheng, Y., Time-course effects of antioxidants and phase II enzymes on diesel exhaust particles-induced oxidative damage in the mouse lung. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2019, 366, 25-34.

15.Yang, M.;  Li, Y.;  Meng, T.;  Zhang, L.;  Niu, Y.;  Dai, Y.;  Gao, W.;  Bloom, M. S.;  Dong, G.; Zheng, Y., Ultrafine CB-induced small airway obstruction in CB-exposed workers and mice. The Science of the total environment 2019, 671, 866-873.

16.Wang, G.;  Zheng, X.;  Duan, H.;  Dai, Y.;  Niu, Y.;  Gao, J.;  Chang, Z.;  Song, X.;  Leng, S.;  Tang, J.; Zheng, Y., High-content analysis of particulate matters-induced oxidative stress and organelle dysfunction in vitro. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 2019, 59, 263-274.

17.Li, D.;  Zhang, R.;  Cui, L.;  Chu, C.;  Zhang, H.;  Sun, H.;  Luo, J.;  Zhou, L.;  Chen, L.;  Cui, J.;  Chen, S.;  Mai, B.;  Chen, S.;  Yu, J.;  Cai, Z.;  Zhang, J.;  Jiang, Y.;  Aschner, M.;  Chen, R.;  Zheng, Y.; Chen, W., Multiple organ injury in male C57BL/6J mice exposed to ambient particulate matter in a real-ambient PM exposure system in Shijiazhuang, China. Environ Pollut 2019, 248, 874-887.

18.He, Z.;  Zhang, R.;  Chen, S.;  Chen, L.;  Li, H.;  Ye, L.;  Li, Q.;  Wang, Z.;  Wang, Q.;  Duan, H.;  Niu, Y.;  Xiao, Y.;  Dong, G.;  Li, D.;  Yu, D.;  Zheng, Y.;  Xing, X.; Chen, W., FLT1 hypermethylation is involved in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-induced cell transformation. Environ Pollut 2019, 252 (Pt A), 607-615.

19.Chu, C.;  Zhou, L.;  Xie, H.;  Pei, Z.;  Zhang, M.;  Wu, M.;  Zhang, S.;  Wang, L.;  Zhao, C.;  Shi, L.;  Zhang, N.;  Niu, Y.;  Zheng, Y.; Zhang, R., Pulmonary toxicities from a 90-day chronic inhalation study with carbon black nanoparticles in rats related to the systemical immune effects. Int J Nanomedicine 2019, 14, 2995-3013.

20.Chu, C.;  Zhang, H.;  Cui, S.;  Han, B.;  Zhou, L.;  Zhang, N.;  Su, X.;  Niu, Y.;  Chen, W.;  Chen, R.;  Zhang, R.; Zheng, Y., Ambient PM2.5 caused depressive-like responses through Nrf2/NLRP3 signaling pathway modulating inflammation. J Hazard Mater 2019, 369, 180-190.

21.Chen, Z.;  Yang, L.;  Huang, Y.;  Spencer, P.;  Zheng, W.;  Zhou, Y.;  Jiang, S.;  Ye, W.;  Zheng, Y.; Qu, W., Carcinogenic risk of N-Nitrosamines in Shanghai Drinking Water: Indications for the Use of Ozone Pretreatment. Environ Sci Technol2019, 53 (12), 7007-7018.

22.Chen, S.;  Li, D.;  Zhang, H.;  Yu, D.;  Chen, R.;  Zhang, B.;  Tan, Y.;  Niu, Y.;  Duan, H.;  Mai, B.;  Chen, S.;  Yu, J.;  Luan, T.;  Chen, L.;  Xing, X.;  Li, Q.;  Xiao, Y.;  Dong, G.;  Niu, Y.;  Aschner, M.;  Zhang, R.;  Zheng, Y.; Chen, W., The development of a cell-based model for the assessment of carcinogenic potential upon long-term PM2.5 exposure. Environ Int 2019, 131, 104943.

23.Zheng, J.;  Zheng, W.;  Zhou, Y.;  Jiang, S.;  Spencer, P.;  Ye, W.;  Zheng, Y.;  He, G.; Qu, W., Heavy Exposure of Waste Collectors to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Poor Rural Area of Middle China. Environ Sci Technol 2018, 52 (15), 8866-8875.

24.Wang, Y.;  Duan, H.;  Meng, T.;  Shen, M.;  Ji, Q.;  Xing, J.;  Wang, Q.;  Wang, T.;  Niu, Y.;  Yu, T.;  Liu, Z.;  Jia, H.;  Zhan, Y.;  Chen, W.;  Zhang, Z.;  Su, W.;  Dai, Y.;  Zhang, X.; Zheng, Y., Reduced serum club cell protein as a pulmonary damage marker for chronic fine particulate matter exposure in Chinese population. Environ Int 2018, 112, 207-217.

25.Wang, H.;  Duan, H.;  Meng, T.;  Yang, M.;  Cui, L.;  Bin, P.;  Dai, Y.;  Niu, Y.;  Shen, M.;  Zhang, L.;  Zheng, Y.; Leng, S., Local and Systemic Inflammation May Mediate Diesel Engine Exhaust-Induced Lung Function Impairment in a Chinese Occupational Cohort. Toxicol Sci 2018, 162 (2), 372-382.

26.Wang, G.;  Zheng, X.;  Tang, J.;  Niu, Y.;  Dai, Y.;  Duan, H.; Zheng, Y., LIN28B/let-7 axis mediates pulmonary inflammatory response induced by diesel exhaust particle exposure in mice. Toxicol Lett 2018, 299, 1-10.

27.Niu, Y.;  Zhang, X.;  Meng, T.;  Wang, H.;  Bin, P.;  Shen, M.;  Chen, W.;  Yu, S.;  Leng, S.; Zheng, Y., Exposure characterization and estimation of benchmark dose for cancer biomarkers in an occupational cohort of diesel engine testers. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2018, 28 (6), 579-588.

28.Dai, Y.;  Ren, D.;  Bassig, B. A.;  Vermeulen, R.;  Hu, W.;  Niu, Y.;  Duan, H.;  Ye, M.;  Meng, T.;  Xu, J.;  Bin, P.;  Shen, M.;  Yang, J.; Fu, W.;  Meliefste, K.;  Silverman, D.;  Rothman, N.;  Lan, Q.; Zheng, Y., Occupational exposure to diesel engine exhaust and serum cytokine levels. Environ Mol Mutagen 2018, 59 (2), 144-150.


1.国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(81842037)2019.01-2019.12预防医学学科发展战略研究 课题负责人

2. 职业有害因素检测评估及职业中毒等重要职业病防治研究(2014BAI12B00),国家科技支撑计划课题(12.5),579万,2014.01-2016.12,总项目协调人

3.职业有害因素早期健康效应的检测与评估技术研究(2014BAI12B02),国家科技支撑计划课题(12.5), 2012-2016,课题负责人

4.A collaborative research project between the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison,A cross-sectional pilot molecular epidemiology study of occupational exposure to diesel exhaust and early biomarkers、2012—2020Principal Investigator

5.柴油机尾气致暴露工人血清炎性因子改变以及机制研究,国家自然科学基金委海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目(81428021) 2015.01- 2016.12 项目负责人

6.职业暴露柴油机尾气致健康损害生物标志物及其机制研究)国家自然科学基金重点项目(81130050)2012-2016 项目负责人

7. 职业卫生检测与健康监护技术研究卫生行业科研专项项目(200902006)2009-2012项目负责人

8.劳动卫生与职业病学 国家杰出青年基金(30625031)2007-2010负责人

9.重金属和有机溶剂对工人健康损害的预防控制研究 国家科技支撑计划课题(11.5)(2006BA106B02)2007-2012项目负责人

10.突发化学中毒事件第一现场处置关键技术研究 卫生公益性行业科研专项重点项目(200802020)2006-2009 项目负责人

11.Korea Science Foundation(E00002)Studies on the toxic responses of fine particles in metropolitan area and prevention by extracts of herbal medicines. 2006-2007  Principal Investigator

12.“ECPs致DNA损伤及其修复与遗传通路的研究” 973项目《环境化学污染物致机体损伤及其防御的基础研究》课题三(2002CB512903)2002-2007 项目负责人

13.三氯乙烯接触性皮炎的发病机制和生物标志物研究 国家自然科学基金(30271115)2003-2005负责人

14.焦炉工肺癌的环境-机体交作用机制研究 国家自然科学基金(39970633)2000-2002 负责人

15.职业性神经毒物易感性的分子遗传学研究 国家自然科学基金(39970640)1998-2000负责人


1. 十一五国家科技计划执行突出贡献奖 ,2011,第1位

2. 中华预防医学二等奖,2009年,第1位

3. 中华预防医学二等奖, 2007年,第1位

4. 国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技兴检奖三等奖,2005年,第1位

下一条:马爱国 教授

