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Qingdao University 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship (Type B) High-level Postgraduate Program

Qingdao University  2024 Chinese Government Scholarship (Type B) High-level Postgraduate Program

Chinese Government Scholarship is a scholarship set up by the Chinese government to facilitate students and scholars from all over the world to conduct their study and research at Chinese universities. The scholarship aims to increase mutual understanding and friendship to develop the communication and cooperation between China and the rest of the world in the field of education, technology, culture and economics.

I.  Scholarship Programs

“Chinese Government Scholarship (Type B)” High-level Postgraduate Program is open to all the majors of Masters and Doctor Degree of QU, Priority given to PhD applicants.

II.   Eligibility & Requirements

To be eligible, applicant must:

1.   be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health both mentally and physically. Applicants must meet the admission requirements in terms of academic ability, language proficiency and other relevant criteria stipulated in “Qingdao University 2024 Application Information for International Graduate Students” (Attachment 1)

2.    be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master’s programs; be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral programs;

3.   Each scholarship recipient can be granted with no more than one scholarship. Scholarship qualification will be cancelled if be found recipient enjoy more than one scholarship.

III. Application procedure

1. Refer to the requirements in “Qingdao University 2024 Application Information for International Graduate Students” and visit the application system http://istudy.qdu.edu.cn/ to finish on-line application before Jan.20, 2024.

Special Notes:

CGS scholarship applicant is required to provide academic transcripts (from the undergraduate program onwards). Copies of academic records from first to last semester during the undergraduate, graduate (if any), and doctoral programs (if any) shall be provided. These transcripts shall be issued and sealed by the attending university’s academic affairs office, graduate school, or student management department. They can be in Chinese or English, but must be attached with notarized English translations if they are in foreign languages other than English;

Pre-admission Application: Scholarship applicants for CGS scholarship are required to contact professor or department to finish pre-admission.

For detailed process, please refer to : istudy.qdu.edu.cn/cn/article?cid=63&pid=62&detail=320

For supervisor information, please refer to : istudy.qdu.edu.cn/en/article?cid=16&pid=15&detail=356)

2. The applications that have passed the initial review will be transferred to the relevant schools/departments for further assessment, and the result will be sent to your email in the first half of Feb. 2024. Applicants who pass the assessment please pay the registration fee and send scanned copy of “proof of registration fee payment” to shirley@qdu.edu.cn. (mark mail subject as “CGS HP application”) to get “Pre-Admission letter of QU” (an applicant for the doctoral programs will also receive his/her personal statement with the supervisor's signature on it).

3. Before Mar. 10, 2024, those who have received QU's pre-admission letter are required to register and apply on the CSC website http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/. For Agency No., please fill in "11065”; for Program Type, please choose "B"). Before applying, please read “Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship system(attachment 2) and “Chinese Government Scholarship Application documents(attachment 3) carefully.

※ In the process, you will need to upload QU's pre-admission letter (an applicant for the doctoral programs also need to upload his/her personal statement with the supervisor's signature on it). (If you have already submitted the application on the CSC website before obtaining the pre-admission letter, please withdraw the application first, upload the letter, and then submit the application again.)

※ If an applicant who has obtained QU's pre-admission letter didn't submit the application at the CSC website before Mar. 10, 2024, we would assume that he/she had chosen to give up the nomination by Qingdao University.

※ If one of the original documents is neither written in Chinese nor in English, please also submit a notarized Chinese or English translation.

※ The applicants are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the submitted information and documents. If any dishonesty or falsification was found, the application would be invalid.

Please make sure that the documents uploaded to http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ are the same as what you submit at http://istudy.qdu.edu.cn/, as the CSC will organize experts to evaluate your qualification again, mainly based on the documents you submit, before making the final admission decision. (In other words, not every student nominated by the university will be awarded the scholarship eventually.)

IV. Application time

Applicants are supposed to finish on-line application at Qingdao University system before Jan.20, 2024.

V. Admission & Registration

1. After receiving the CSC’s final decision, Qingdao University will inform the applicants via email, as well as send the admission

documents to the new students. (It is difficult to predict when the final admission result will be announced. Please check email      frequently during all the application process.)

2. The new academic year is expected to start at the beginning of September 2024. You will find the specific dates of registration

on the admission notice.

3. When coming to QU to register, the new students will be required to bring the admission notice, JW201 form, physical examination report, original highest diploma, etc. for the qualification review. (If the original copy is neither written in Chinese  nor in English, a notarized Chinese or English translation will need to be submitted.) The scholarship of those who didn't pass the  review would be canceled.

VI. Grant Standard

The Chinese Government Scholarship provides:

1. Tuition fee will be waived.

2. Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of university to provide students with in-campus apartments (usually double- room).
3. Living allowance is granted by host institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for Doctorate students is 3,500 CNY per person. For Master student, the monthly allowance is 3,000 CNY per person.
4.Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the university in accordance with relevant regulations of studying in China stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China.
5. Scholarship support period keep consistent with schooling period given in Admission Notice.

VII. Review

Students studying at school for 1 year or more than 1 year are required to participate in the Annual Review. The Annual Review mainly focuses on the academic achievements, learning attitude, attendance, behavior, rewards and punishments, which will be used to conduct a comprehensive evaluation as next year’s criteria on whether to continue to enjoy the scholarship or not. When registering in March every year, please go to the International Student Office to get the Annual Review Form to participate in the annual review. Not participating in the Annual Review without reason or failing to pass the Annual Review will cause the cancellation of the scholarship.

VIII. Contacts

Shirley, MA Tel: (86) 532-85953863      Email: shirley@qdu.edu.cn

Add: International Students Admission Office, Minxing Building, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071

Attachment 1. Qingdao University 2024 Application Information for International Graduate Students

Attachment 2. Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship system

Attachment 3. Chinese Government Scholarship Application documents
